Friday 11 March 2016

Discovery Week

We all had a fantastic "Discovery" week recently, where we had the opportunity to work together in our house teams to create some dotty pieces of artwork. Back in Year 6, each class had to work together to save the planet of Alderaan from imminent destruction from the Death Star! We had to choose resources (and labourers) to take with us to a new colony on Galidraan, before we built our planet.

Easter Egg Competition

On Thursday 24th March, the day before Easter Friday, Rise Park will be holding its annual Easter egg event. As it is our Year 6 pupils' last time to shine, we are hoping for some "cracking" (*groan*) entries this year. Best of luck!

Sport Relief

On Friday 18th March, the Year 6 pupils will be taking part in "Sport Relief". We will be running the mile for charity, hoping to raise money this year through sponsorship. We will also be dancing for charity in school to this year's official Sport Relief video - you can practise your moves at home by watching their video on YouTube. Wristbands will also be available on the Friday to purchase for £1.00 each.

The next Year 6 homework project will also be linked to aspects of this event and further details will follow shortly.